Jacquelyn Pagel has been helping clients look and feel their best for 15 years. Her business, Sensations Day Spa in Glen Lochen, was built mainly on word-of-mouth referrals. She has grown so much through the years that she gets about 3 to 5 new clients per week. Her space is welcoming and cozy, but what brings people back is Jacquelyn. Her down-to-earth personality radiates warmth and kindness. All she wants to do is make people feel good. And, oh what fun we had when she offered to give us a keratin treatment for our nails (twist our arm). Such a treat!
She offers manicures and pedicures, aromatherapy massage (gentle, not firm or deep), customized facials, makeup artistry, and spa parties (a client favorite). Check out her Instagram or call her for an appointment.

Glastonbury residents, Dan and Lindsay LeBlanc recently opened River East Power Equipment in East Hartford. The shop has been a labor of love and devotion for Dan, who started in three small trailers behind his Dad and brother’s Auto Repair Shop on Tolland Street with NO HEAT. He used to come in every morning to frozen tools and would have to use a space heater to warm them up. That sure sounds like passion to us! Dan specializes in small engine repair and service and also sells Gravely lawn equipment and Ariens snowblowers. His shop has an old school mom and pop feel where customer support and satisfaction is paramount. Did we mention he picks up and delivers equipment in need of fixing or a tune-up? How great is that? They have some awesome grand opening deals running right now. Find them HERE.

Next Sunday, May 5th, The Dreaming Tree Yoga Studio will hold a Grand Opening. Owner, Emily Keel recently renovated space in Glen Lochen and it’s a beautiful oasis. She is offering yoga and mindfulness classes for children ages 3 to 12 years old, including those with ADHD and Autism. There is currently space left in one summer camp, but there will be some FREE classes after the opening. Space is limited and you must sign up during the Grand Opening on Sunday. Click HERE for more info and see the new space below.

The Hartford Marathon Foundation will now offer a specialized beer at their races throughout New England including the Eversource Hartford Marathon this October. 26.2 Brew (love that name!) from Marathon Brewing Company (an offshoot of The Boston Beer Company) is a golden, hazy ale brewed with Himalayan sea salt and coriander. It has just 9 CARBS and 120 CALORIES. Wowza! Sounds amazing. CHEERS TO A GREAT RACE!

*The owners of Square Peg Pizza & Arcade are targeting to open the restaurant in the old Piatti space June 1st. They are still awaiting approval from the town on their renovation plans. We will keep you posted!
*The Glastonbury Children’s Tag Sale Spring Sale is May 3rd and 4th 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the POC on Hopewell Road. Look for their sign.
*Glastonbury Parks & Rec is looking for LEGO donations. You can drop them off at 2143 Main Street Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Great way to clean house for a good cause!
*Soarin’ Indoors in Manchester was recently forced to close their doors, because the new owners of the building where they were located on North Main Street did not want to renew their lease and they are unable to support a new build-out. We never made it there, but heard this was a great place for kids looking to conquer some amazing life skills…balance, strength, fear. We hope to see them somewhere else soon.
*We just read in The Hartford Business Journal that The Spigot Cafe is under new ownership and will remain OPEN. The Journal reports that the future of the more than half a century-old bar was uncertain after the death of the long time owner. We have great memories of this spot in the city’s West End. It’s old school and kind of a dive bar (which we love). They will be mixing the old with some new services and have lots of great beers on tap…visit this iconic spot and see for yourself.
#thedreamingtreechildrensyogaandmindfulnessstudio #glastonburyctbusiness #marathonbrew #rivereastpowerequipment #soarinindoors #thespigotcafe #glastonburyparksandrec #thedreamingtreeyoga #glastonburyctbusinessscoop #rivereastpowerequipment #glastonburychildrenstagsale #businessnews #262brew #businessnewsct #legodonations #businessnewsglastonburyct #thescoopglastonbury #sensationsdayspaglastonburyct #legodonationsglastonburyct #sensationsdayspa #dayspaglastonburyct #glastonburyctnews #ctbusinessnews #businessnewshartfordct #GLASTONBURYCT #hartfordmarathonbrew