*If you have SCOOP or have something you're curious about in town, email: thescoopglastonbury@gmail.com

Brad and Joanne Wheatley are a husband and wife renovation and design team here in Glastonbury. Can we get them on HGTV? The duo has been renovating homes and businesses together since 1998 when they first started their company BW Builders. Brad originally went to law school, but pivoted when he realized his true passion...he loves the outdoors and working with his hands. Joanne has a talent for design (She also works at Katz Hardware helping customers pick out paint and colors). The two are GHS grads: Brad 1989, Joanne 1990 (you know we LOVE that!). But perhaps what we love even more is their work! They specialize in commercial and residential renos and their style is SIMPLE, but GORGEOUS. If you've been pondering a home improvement project or overhaul, BW Builders is a complete package. Right now, they're offering virtual consults on renovation projects and/or paint color selection (AMAZING!). Find them here: www.bwbuilds.com 860.982.3649. And, see some BEFORE AND AFTER pictures below.

Jeannie Kmetz is the founder of Reach Counseling located on Main Street in Glastonbury. She specializes in helping people through anxiety and depression. Jeannie is down-to-earth and has not only an impressive educational background, but also lots of real-life experience and perspective. She helps people move closer to their goals by looking at what's working for them and what's not. Isn't that the best way to be your best self? Find her HERE.
From Jeannie Kmetz...
We are all dealing with the current situation differently. One somewhat surprising response shared with me (via telehealth) by several young people is that this is a time of unexpected respite. Many of today’s adolescents have been frantically running for years, chasing what they've been told are the tickets to a “good” college and a “successful” life. Some young people couldn’t slow down because their peers (their competition) would outrun them. We have now collectively put the breaks on our daily routines. Suddenly, stressors most often articulated by young people (social pressures, academic requirements, after school commitments) have abruptly taken a back seat. The unyielding structure that once dictated your teenager’s life is now all but gone. What an opportunity!
Let’s continue to help our kids learn some important life lessons...
MODEL RESILIENCE: Talk with your adolescent about some of the challenges you are now experiencing. Articulate the problem with your teen and ask, “What are the options?” Identifying a problem and possible solutions is a skill that must be taught.
TEACH STRUCTURE: Don’t plan your teen’s week for them, but insist that they have a plan, one that includes academics, exercise, relaxation, family time, and chores. Be clear with your expectations (this chore needs to be completed by Friday), but allow them the flexibility to choose when to act.
HELP BUILD SELF-CONFIDENCE: How? One way is by asking them to complete a task without telling them how specifically to do it. When teens are told how to do something, they are denied the opportunity to figure it out for themselves. For example, ask your teen to make dinner one night per week. Let them choose the night and the menu, if practical. Let them know that you are available for questions (to which you would reply, “What do you think you should do?”). Then step back.
TEACH EMPATHY: Any positive act on someone else’s behalf can increase self-confidence and minimize worry, as you have now become a part of the solution.
BREATHE: Give yourself and your teen a break. This is a new experience for all of us.
*Hartford Baking Company in Glastonbury is set to OPEN FOR DELIVERY and will offer a subscription crate stocked with local goodies. Follow them on social to learn more. Their new location is at 400 Hebron Avenue.
*Max Restaurant Group is offering EASTER-TO-GO through Max Catering and Events. Orders are due by TOMORROW. Check out the menu below. They have temporarily closed their restaurant locations, but are still operating their catering.
*Giovanni's Pizza is selling a MAKE-YOUR-OWN Pizza kit. What a great way to NOT COOK and have some fun with the kids. Find more info about it on their social media pages or give them a call 860.633.0041.
*The Hartford Flavor Company is currently making hand-sanitizer in some really amazing scents (LAVENDER and CLOVE AND LEMON). Check out their Facebook page to see how you can support them. And, when this is all over, stop in for a tasting at their cool spot in Hartford (it's a GEM)
*Pinwheels Toys & Games has taken this time to launch their website! What better time than now as we get ready to celebrate Easter! Order online and pickup curbside. They have lots of cute ideas. Check it out HERE.
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