If you haven’t tried one of Billy Grant’s farm dinners at Rose’s Berry Farm, we highly recommend it. The setting is true Glastonbury and the food is unmatched. We had the pleasure of attending the dinner last Friday and it was incredible. EVERY. SINGLE. BITE. was unreal. It started with a charcuterie board and passed apps. The meal was Caesar salad topped with the best croutons ever, a savory spring risotto, roasted lamb chop (we don’t even eat lamb, but loved every bite), and finally, a lemon pound cake with fresh Rose’s Berry Farm strawberries. We can’t say enough about it. And, you are in luck because there are 2 more dinners in August and September. So, gather up some of your besties and click HERE for tickets. Pics of this awesome night below.

We are sad to report that Firehouse Subs CLOSED. Owners, Jeff and Jen Finnerty (Glastonbury residents) contacted us to say that they had to make the difficult decision to close both of their locations. They had recently opened in Bristol. They explained that it did not make financial sense for them and wanted to do what was best for their family. They were such an intergral part of the community hosting Chamber events and supporting first responders. They will be missed! Opening a business is so brave…we wish them much luck in their next endeavor.

The owners of Hillside Stable recently purchased a 45-acre horse farm in Ellington and will move to that location after a few minor renovations. They will still offer boarding options, services and lessons at the same prices. The farm on Bell Street has been sold to developers. The barns will be torn down to make way for housing. We are sad to see this tranquil spot go…it’s been a staple since our childhood. The new development is called Stallion Ridge and proposes 19 new homes. Below is an aerial shot of the new farm owned by Hillside Stable.

We heard from multiple people that Commerce Eatery was closed. Last week, several people contacted us asking if we knew anything because there was a sign on the door saying they were temporarily closed, but their Google listing had said they were permanently closed (see below). Now their Google listing says they are OPEN. We contacted them and they would not say what was happening, but explained that they plan to do something with the Glastonbury Citizen soon. We will let you know if we hear anything further.

Julie McDermott has been a therapist for over 25 years. She is a certified expert in the Irlen Method. This screening tool helps people struggling with visual perceptual challenges. Julie has helped children and adults with dyslexia, brain injuries, ADHD, autism and concussions. The results are so dramatic that the mom of an 18 year old who was at a first grade reading level became tearful as she watched how he was impacted by this method. For more information on Irlen, visit Julie’s website – Her other contact information is also on the site.

*Your CBD Store is holding their Grand Opening today at 10:00 AM at 2239 Main Street. This is just past the fountain on the right. Click HERE to see our full story about them.

*We have heard through multiple sources that the new Max Restaurant will be pizza. Nothing is confirmed, but that is the buzz. Once we get confirmation, we will let you know.
*There is currently a proposal to build a car wash on the corner of Oak Street and Kreiger Lane. This is the lot across from the entrance to Stop & Shop with an old, white house on it. Next door, there is a proposal for a daycare. We are keeping an eye on both and will keep you updated.
*Graceful Acres is offering a Flower CSA. How cool is that? Fresh farm flowers every week for four or 8 weeks. And, it’s SO affordable! Check out their website HERE for all the deets and schedule for pick-up.
*Minnechaug Golf Course is offering a Junior Golf Workshop this summer. You can choose from two 4-day week options or every Wednesday for for weeks. Instruction will be with Gerry D’Amora from Portland West and we hear he is awesome. Click HERE for info.
#southglastonburyctbusiness #glastonburyctbusiness #gracefulacres #billygrantfarmdinners #commerceeatery #glastonburyctbusinessscoop #glastonburyctbusinessnews #minnechauggolfcourse #maxrestaurantgroup #shopsonmain #bellstreethorsefarm #carwashonoakstreet #hillsidestable #weeklybusinessscoop #thescoopglastonbury #heresthescoop #ctnews #glastonburyctnews #ctbusinessnews #GLASTONBURYCT #rosesberryfarm #shermanwilliams