Not until you talk with Dan Hovey of West Hartford Solar. Dan has a passion for not only how solar works and explaining it to clients, but also helping homeowners save money on their electric bill! Prior to launching his own solar business, Dan worked in operations for a family-owned autobody shop. That's where he learned about the importance of the customer experience. His genuine concern for customers is at the core of his business, which is an affiliate of the largest solar company in the country. There are four ways to go solar: 2 lease options and 2 purchase options. Both options have no upfront cost and will cost less per month than what you are currently paying to Eversource. And, you can make the switch for FREE (Dan will explain when you chat with him). FUN FACT: Dan designed the West Hartford Solar LOGO around the family's Spaniel Mix pup named "Lady Anne of Marlborough"...Adorbs! Call him for a FREE consult or to learn more about saving money by going solar.
Dan Hovey: 860.593.3941
We were recently able to obtain build out plans for Trader Joe's in Glastonbury (see below). This means the specialty grocer is moving forward with their location at 400 Hebron Avenue. Anyone who is involved with the project won't confirm this directly, but we know it's Trader Joe's. During a Town Plan & Zoning meeting last Tuesday evening, lawyers for the owners of the building laid out plans for relocating the delivery area on the side of the building, adding a new employee-only parking lot, and what can be expected in terms of parking and traffic issues. The building is required to have 106 spaces. With the additional lot for employees, there will be 131 spaces. They compared the lot to Highland Park Market (a similar sized specialty grocery store) and explained that the Highland lot actually has less parking than the 400 Hebron lot. We thought that was interesting since Highland is a very busy spot, but you never feel like you can't park there. Here's the deal people...TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. We are told that there is a chance TJ's will not wait around if this doesn't pass on the 17th. If you are in support of this project and want to see it pass, write a letter to TPZ members by clicking HERE or attend the May 17th public hearing at 7:00 PM. It will be in person and on Zoom.
We recently learned that a Manchester-based developer is proposing mixed income apartments for the land at the corner of Hebron Avenue and Manchester Road to the left of the Shell Station. The proposal includes 74 multi-family units and will be called Buckingham Place. Although we have thought for years that this area could use a better mini mart/gas station and perhaps some type of coffee shop, we are not too sure how we feel about MORE apartments. What do you think? There is a public hearing on May 17th at 7:00 PM (same date as the Trader Joe's hearing!!!). Should be an interesting night considering the response we had to this on social media last week. The majority of people are AGAINST this project. It's out of place and too large for the area. Show up at the TPZ meeting and make yourself heard people!
-Torrid is coming to Westfarms. The plus size women's clothing store will be located in the former Parade of Novelty Sports Space.
-Claire's is closed for renovations. The store is undergoing a complete makeover. We do not have a reopen date YET.
-Aerie will soon reopen their Westfarms location in the old Justice space. Offline by Aerie (Aerie's active wear line of clothing) will be opening in the former Aerie space near center court.
-Abercrombie & Fitch is coming back to Westfarms. The retailer closed a few years ago, but will reopen in the Go Calendar space on the first level.
-Arhaus is opening a location in the former Ruby Tuesday's at Westfarms. The high-end furniture stores will occupy more than 10,000 square feet of space.
-COMING TO THE CORBIN COLLECTION near Trader Joe's: Crumbl Cookies, Nothing But Bundt Cakes (in the former Simple Greek space), and J. Crew Factory Outlet store (in the former Dress Barn space)
*Thanks to The Manchester Scoop for collaborating with us on this Scoop from Westfarms.
*Sponsored by Moore Wellness Solutions

*A 4th building is in the works for the plaza with Chik-Fil-A and The Fresh Monkee. The developer had this in their original plans, but things have obviously been on hold for the last few years. The project was recently put out to bid. It includes restaurant and retail space. Stay tuned!
*We wanted to reiterate that J. Crew Factory store is coming to West Hartford because it's just so great! The retailer plans to open in the former Dress Barn space in the Corbin Collection near Trader Joe's. BOOM-SHOCK-UH-LOCK-UH!